I fear everything
And yet I still have trust in this world
I sometimes call it false hope...
I fear everything
And yet I still have trust in this world
I sometimes call it false hope...
I have forgotten you
The one in my dream
I used to walk with you
Hand in hand
By the old meadow
I have forgotten you
The one in my heart
I used to talk to you every night
About the future
About our lives
I have forgotten you
The one in my mind
You used to hold me close
You used to look in my eyes
I have forgotten you
The one who surpassed time
We used to see one another
Despite our differences
Despite our paths in life...
Just when I think I don't need you.... you find a way back in.
I can't fall for it, I can't fall for you... not again.
This is completely stupid of me. It's pointless to feel this way for you.
Why do you say you miss me when I know you dont?
Why do you want to be around me when I know I bother you?
Why do you look at me the way you do when no one's around?
Why do you hold me so tight where no one can see?
What is this stupid hold you have on me?
I know I don't like you....
I know....
But, there is something about you that I can't quite get.
It sucks.
This heart has been broken so many times as a consequence of my foolish and fiendish mind.....
Floating on air
Drifting slowly into your arm
Walking on a cloud of charm
Staring at hope in the eye
Falling hard
Slammed to the ground
Shattered and broken
I'm not mad and I'm not bitter. I just wish the circumstances were different. I wish we didn't know the same people, I wish we didn't go to the same school, I wish we didn't work at the same job.... I wish I never met you. Slowly you are behaving as if though we never knew eachother, and that's fine, but don't expect me to remind you when you want to relive those moments. We were friends and I thought we still were, but clearly you moved on before I even knew you were gone....
I still carry hope that you will come find me. At my saddest moment, in my darkest hour I feel you will come find me and hold me in your arms so closely, so tightly that you would never want to let me go.... I sadly still carry this hope that you are out there looking for me as I am looking for you.
I'm not going to put myself in this sad sick twisted illusion that the world is nothing but gumdrops and rainbows, but I also refuse to believe that it's all filled with horrible blood thirsty miscreants. This world is truly what we make of it. And I choose to see the good and the bad in everything.... it all happens for a reason, it all plays out the way it does for a purpose but it's up to us to interpret what the signs mean...
You are wonderful. You hold so much in you that you don't understand. It saddens me that you can't see that sometimes. You are a perfect creation and there is no one else out there like you. Every moment you witnessed, every obstacle you have overcome has led you to where you are now. I know, in some perspective, your current state of mind is not ideal, but this moment is a moment you can learn from. You are wonderful in every aspect and form. Thunk back to all that you have seen, all that you faced and all that you have triumphed. I'm sure when you look back everything will make sense.... you are wonderful, never forget that.
Beneath the silent moon I watch the stars above me. I gaze upon our endless sky and wonder about all we see, all we feel, and all we know. There is so much we have yet to discover and with each passing day we learn more and more. It simply amazes me what else lies before us. It amazes me what more we have to learn until we truly and fully understand our purpose. Each day passes and I'm grateful, grateful for all that I have and for all that I've learned. I may not know as much as the person next to me, but I'm willing to take a chance and understand....
I had nothing more of a realization when I saw you today.
It was completely clear,
it was horribly plain.
You stood there, looking at me, stared at me, and I can feel you pull away.
You tell me nothing will change and you claim nothing has,
Yet when you stand there and look at me I know it's never going to be the same.
I remember the last time you spoke to me, I remember the last words you said. It was such a while ago but they still ring clear in my ears. I remember the last time I saw you, the last time we locked eyes. It was such a long time ago, but I can remember it so. You never made sense to me, you never honed the qualities I ever desired in a person, yet somehow, you seemed perfect to me. Somehow in my own deceitful mind I believed you were amazing, different, and wonderful, despite the feelings you had. A long time ago I wanted you… now all I do is think back and wonder why I ever did…
You became a dream to me. Something of a beautiful concept my conscious mind could not preceive. What truly captivates me is the look in your eyes, the sound of your laugh and the sincerity in your soul. Hopefully I have the courage to one day tell you so…..